See how schools have showcased their creativity and get inspired to submit your own for a chance to win a day with The Harlem Globetrotters!
Take a look at submissions from past winning schools below!
Clayton Intermediate School
The students at Clayton Intermediate School participated in “March Mathness”, an engaging way to incorporate math problem challenges and basketball into the classroom. Students created jerseys with creative designs, culminating their learning with a teacher vs. student basketball showdown, fostering camaraderie and sportsmanship.
Dream Lake Elementary
“All month long our scholars are using a basketball-themed review to help us prepare for our state science assessment. Students are earning basketballs for behavior, we are playing basketball review games, shooting hoops and we have even taken a time out to learn about the Harlem Globetrotters. Please come to our school for our pep rally for our state test!”
- Lainie Clowers, Teacher
Edgar Road Elementary
“Our 4th grade class has been working diligently on this project! We read the book "Swish" which is about how the Harlem Globetrotters began. We began to brainstorm how we could combine creativity and basketball in the classroom. With the brilliant minds of these 4th graders, we prioritized these themes: math, engineering, art, music, and most importantly, teamwork!
Our students designed & created cardboard shoes with inspiring words on them, made a basketball court for our class pet Cocoa (a hedgehog), invented trick shots with our custodian Mr. Bates, and edited this amazing video!”
- Annie Bouvatte, Teacher
Gaston Day School
“The third graders at Gaston Day School enjoyed sharing their creativity and love for basketball. During Spark Lab they were challenged with designing the tallest tower that could hold a basketball on top for at least 20 seconds. They were only allowed to use newspaper and tape.
During P.E. they enjoyed showing off their basketball skills. Kindergarten showed their creativity by coloring basketball players to look like themselves. They wrote about what it is to be a team player. Their basketball players and some basketballs will be going to our local Boys & Girls club.”
- Kristen Litchford, Teacher

Guy E. Rowe Elementary
Guy E. Rowe submitted entries across all grades and classrooms including Ms. Porter’s class, Mrs. Berube’s class, and the story of 11-year-old Lily.
“As part of celebrating Read Across America Week, our class read “The Chocolate Touch”, written by Patrick Skene Catling. In this book, the main character has the magical power to turn anything he touches into chocolate–his most favorite thing.
Well, we thought “what would happen if everything we touch turns into basketballs?!” And we decided that it would be pretty AWESOME if we had that magical power!”
- Kristen Porter, Teacher
Laurel Hill Elementary School
“Making all aspects of education accessible to all students is a mission at Laurel Hill Elementary School and that is no different in the Physical Education classes. At the beginning of the basketball unit each year, the students watch the Harlem Globetrotters one take video.
At the end of the video there is always a discussion about how those athletes were once kids their age and with hard work, dedication and good sportsmanship, that too could be them one day. This video is the student's version of the one take video. As their teacher, I could not be prouder to see students of every grade level come together to meet a common goal and celebrate each other's abilities and successes.”
- Julie Braden, Teacher
Nova Dwight D. Eisenhower Elementary
“Our students are preparing to take their state standardized test (FAST assessment) so I decided to use basketball as a way to hype/pep them up for the test! We got the entire school and families involved by having teachers, parents, and older siblings write messages of encouragement on paper basketballs, which were then stapled to my bulletin board. Students can now read all of the amazing positive affirmations everyday before they enter class (and before taking their state test) to remind them of how amazing they are and how big their support system is! We also had a basketball sesh outside where I taught the kids how basketball players have the same qualities as test takers (i.e.- focus, determination, practice, etc.)”
- Natalie Stuart, Teacher
St. Gregory the Great Academy
“This is a stop motion film. Luke, Luke, and Lucas (Team L3) are bright 4th graders, teammates, and best friends. They created this movie in hopes to win money for their school located in Hamilton, NJ. They shot and used over 700 photos to create this animation clip. They ate almost a dozen Jersey Mike’s subs during the brainstorm session!”
- Shannon Pulaski, Parent
Whittier Elementary School
“Piper (5th grade) and Kendall (Kindergarten) are two sisters who love playing basketball and absolutely love seeing the Harlem Globetrotters on their yearly tour. To celebrate Black History month this past February, the girls researched how the Globetrotters began and how the team has evolved over the past 98 years.
They created Globetrotter-themed basketballs to showcase their research and added illustrations to highlight their findings. They assembled the basketballs in a timeline to show how the Globetrotters have changed from 1926 until today.
They added in some of their own ball-handling skills, shots, and passing as a nod to the awesome basketball tricks they have watched the Globetrotters perform.”
- Jen Rooker, Parent
Williams Elementary School
“The Vice President of our student body, Christina Guerra, decided to combine sports and literacy by making basketball themed reading buddies for our library.
Using coloring pages and felt, Christina hand sewed a few jerseys designed by her 5th grade class. She felt this was the best way to show the Globetrotters our school's love of basketball.”
- David Morales, School Administrator